Create stream type

Create a stream type for the Timeline Series Config tool.

About this task

Stream types reflect the kind of activity, or events, you expect your organization to generate. The stream type is designed for user activity which manifests as activity in the Customer Module. However, you might also want a stream type for a particular application or platform that your organization is integrating with, such as Salesforce. Typically, the stream type is already defined globally for your organization. But you can use the procedure below to create an additional one. Then, once you have a stream type, you can use it to create a stream object in the platform.

If you want to review a configuration workflow for the Timeline Series Config tool, which includes this task, see Configure Event Stream with Timeline Series Config Tool.


  1. On the Admin & Rights 2.0 dashboard, under Platform Configurations, click Timeline Series Config. The Timeline Series tool opens, displaying the Event Categories page.
  2. From the navigation column, click Stream Types.
  3. Then click Create Stream Type.
  4. In the New Stream Type modal, specify a name and a description for the stream type. Then click Save.

Once you save the stream type, it displays in the Stream Types table.